Medical Park SE
Freiberger-Platz 1
83123 Amerang

District court Traunstein
Commercial register: HRB 28119
VAT registration no.: DE 325 900 161

Chairman of the Board of Directors: Dr. Thomas Wolfram

Managing Directors: Tobias Diesing, Achim Ropers-Lazarewski

Responsible for the website:

Achim Ropers-Lazarewski 


Telephone +49 8075 91311-0
Fax +49 8075 91311-116

Supervisory authorities

Supervisory authorities of our Medical Park facilities

In the following we provide you with information on the supervisory authorities in charge of the individual facilities as well as the corresponding contractual partners and services pursuant to SGB V (German Social Code, V book). All clinics of the Medical Park group of companies are private hospitals pursuant to Article 30 of the Gewerbeordnung (German Industrial Code). The services are eligible for aid in pursuant to Article 6 No. 6 and Article 7 of the Beihilfeverordnung (German State Aid Ordinance, BBhV).



Medical Park specialised hospital

  • Am Kirschbaumhügel | Fachklinik | Bad Wiessee
  • Am Kirschbaumhügel | Privatklinik | Bad Wiessee
  • Bad Camberg
  • Bad Rodach
  • Chiemsee | Bernau-Felden
  • Chiemseeblick | Bernau-Felden
  • Humboldtmühle | Berlin
  • Klinik im Park | Bad Sassendorf
  • Loipl | Bischofswiesen
  • Prien Kronprinz | Prien
  • St. Hubertus | Bad Wiessee
  • Blumenhof | Bad Feilnbach
  • Reithofpark | Bad Feilnbach

Outpatient centres

  • Borussia Mönchengladbach | Mönchengladbach
  • St. Theresien | Nürnberg

Supervisory authorities by facility

Medical Park Bad Wiessee Am Kirschbaumhügel Fachklinik

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Miesbach, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rosenheimer Straße 3, 83714 Miesbach

Marcus Müller
Head of the management of the Medical Park-Kliniken in the Tegernseer Tal

Prof. Dr. Andrea Meurer
Head of the management of the Medical Park-Kliniken in the Tegernseer Tal

Medical Park Bad Wiessee Am Kirschbaumhügel Privatklinik

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Miesbach, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rosenheimer Straße 3, 83714 Miesbach


Marcus Müller
Head of the management of the Medical Park-Kliniken in the Tegernseer Tal

Prof. Dr. Andrea Meurer
Head of the management of the Medical Park-Kliniken in the Tegernseer Tal

Medical Park Bad Camberg

Supervisory authority in charge:
Regierungspräsidium Gießen, Landgraf-Philipp-Platz 3, 35390 Gießen

Steffen Danneberg
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Camberg

Maximilian Riehl
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Camberg

Head physician of the clinic:
Panagiotis Kostopoulos, specialised physician for neurology, neurological intensive-care mechanism

Medical Park Bad Rodach

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Coburg, Lauterer Straße 80, 96450 Coburg

Christian Grunow
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Rodach

Head physicians of the clinic:
Dr. med. Dirk Zauper, head physician neurology, specialised physician for neurology

Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Mees, head physician orthopaedics and casualty department

Medical Park Chiemsee

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Rosenheim, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rathausstraße 30, 83022 Rosenheim

Stefanie Ludwig
Managing Director Medical Park Chiemsee

Birk Heinrich
Managing Director Medical Park Chiemsee


Head physicians of the clinic:
Professor Dr. med. Marcus Schmitt-Sody, medical director and head physician, specialised physician for orthopaedics, professional title awarded in Germany

Medical Park Chiemseeblick

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Rosenheim, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rathausstraße 30, 83022 Rosenheim

Birk Heinrich
Manging Director Medical Park Chiemseeblick

Stefanie Ludwig
Manging Director Medical Park Chiemseeblick

Head physicians of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Menke, specialised phyician for psychiatry and psychotherapy

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Palm, specialised phyician for psychiatry and psychotherapy

Andreas Bock, specialised phyician for neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapy

Medical Park Berlin Humboldtmühle

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landesamtes für Gesundheit und Soziales Berlin (LAGeSo), Dienstgebäude, Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin

Maximilian Riehl
Managing Director Medical Park Humboldtmühle Berlin

Steffen Danneberg
Managing Director Medical Park Humboldtmühle Berlin

Head physicians of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. med. Karsten E. Dreinhöfer, medical director and head physician orthopaedics - specialised physician orthopaedics and casualty department, community medicine, physical therapy, chirotherapy, rescue medicine, osteologist (DVO) and health economist (ebs)

Dr. med. Dr. phil. Martin Ebinger, head physician neurology

Klinik im Park Bad Sassendorf

Supervisory authority in charge:
Kreis Soest, Abteilung Gesundheit, Hoher Weg 1-3, 59494 Soest

Maximilian Riehl
Managing Director Klinik im Park Sassendorf

Steffen Danneberg
Managing Director Klinik im Park Sassendorf

Head physician of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. Diethard M. Usinger
head physician orthopaedics

Medical Park Loipl

Supervisory authority in charge:
Regierung von Oberbayern, Maximilianstraße 39, 80538 Munich
as well as
Landratsamt Berchtesgadener Land, Gesundheitsamt
Salzburgerstraße 4, 83435 Bad Reichenhall

Laura Limberger
Managing Director Medical Park Loipl

Julian Schwaller
Managing Director Medical Park Loipl

Head physician of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Rieckmann, specialised physician for neurology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, physician for community medicine

Medical Park Prien Kronprinz

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Rosenheim, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rathausstraße 30, 83022 Rosenheim


Stefanie Ludwig
Managing Director Medical Park Prien Kronprinz

Birk Heinrich
Managing Director Medical Park Kronprinz

Head physician of the clinic:
Professor Dr. med. Marcus Schmitt-Sody, medical director, specialised physician for orthopaedics, professional title awarded in Germany

Medical Park Bad Wiessee St. Hubertus

Supervisory authority in charge:

Landratsamt Miesbach, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rosenheimer Straße 3, 83714 Miesbach

Marcus Müller
Managing Director Medical Park-Kliniken im Tegernseer Tal

Prof. Dr. Andrea Meurer
Managing Director Medical Park-Kliniken im Tegernseer Tal

Head physician of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. Andrea Meurer, specialised physician for orthopedics, sports medicine and trauma surgery

Dr. Nadine Dreyer, specialised physician for orthopedics and trauma surgery

Prof. Dr. Christian Firschke, specialised physician for internal medicine and cardiology

Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Blumenhof

Supervisory authority in charge:

Landratsamt Rosenheim, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Wittelsbacherstraße 53, 83022 Rosenheim

Julian Schwaller
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Reithofpark und Blumenhof

Laura Limberger
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Reithofpark und Blumenhof

Medical Director of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Young, medical director, specialised physician for neurology, intensive-care madicine and sleep medicine

Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Reithofpark

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Rosenheim, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Wittelsbacherstraße 53, 83022 Rosenheim

Julian Schwaller
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Reithofpark und Blumenhof

Laura Limberger
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Reithofpark und Blumenhof

Head physician of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Young, medical director, specialised physician for neurology, intensive-care madicine and sleep medicine

Medical Park Borussia Mönchengladbach

Supervisory authority in charge:
Stadtverwaltung Mönchengladbach, Gesundheitsamt, Am Steinberg 55, 41050 Mönchengladbach

Ulrich Bayerschmidt
Managing Director Medical Park Borussia Mönchengladbach

Klaus Schmitz
Managing Director Medical Park Borussia Mönchengladbach

Medical Park St. Theresien Ambulantes Gesundheitszentrum (outpatient health centre)

Approval declared pursuant to Article 124 SGB Section 1 SGB V

Christian Grunow
Managing Director Medical Park St. Theresien Nuremberg

Klaus Schmitz
Managing Director Medical Park St. Theresien Nuremberg


Responsible for the content pursuant to Article 55 Section 2 RStV (German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement):

Heiko Leske
(Head of Marketing and Communication)
Freiberger-Platz 1
83123 Amerang


Programming and realisation:

rekordmarke | mellowmessage GmbH
Härtelstraße 27
04107 Leipzig
Tel. +49 341 140655-0 |


References for the pictures and graphics used:

Despite intensive research, we have unfortunately not always been able to find the owners of image and photographic rights of the images used. Any right holders not mentioned are kindly requested to contact



Liability for contents

As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages pursuant to Article 7 section 1 TMG (German Telemedia Act) and general laws. However, pursuant to Articles 8 to 10 TMG we are as a service provider not obliged to monitor transferred or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to the general laws remain unaffected. However, liability in this respect is only possible from the time of knowledge of a actual infringement. If we become aware of any corresponding infringements of the law, we will remove these contents immediately

The medical information on the Medical Park Group's online pages is not intended to replace consultation and/or treatment by recognised physicians. Any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded, unless caused by intent or gross negligence.

Liability for links

Our offer contains links to external websites of third parties, on the contents of which we have no influence. We can therefore not assume any liability for these external contents. The respective provider or operator of the sites is always responsible for the content of the linked sites. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time of linking. At the time of linking no illegal content was identified. However, a permanent control of the contents of the linked pages is not reasonable without actual evidence of a violation of the law. As soon as we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such links immediately.


The contents and works on these pages created by the site operators are subject to German copyright law. The copying, processing, distribution and any kind of utilisation outside the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of these pages are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respected. In particular, third-party content is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, please inform us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such contents immediately.

Settlement of disputes

Alternative settlement of disputes in consumer matters

On behalf of all Medical Park facilities and companies, we would like to point out pursuant to Article 36 section 1 VSBG (German Consumer Dispute Settlement Act) that we are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Gender mainstreaming declaration

If the masculine form of personal nouns was chosen to make the texts easier to read, women and men are equally addressed.

Medical Park SE
Freiberger-Platz 1
83123 Amerang

District court Traunstein
Commercial register: HRB 28119
VAT registration no.: DE 325 900 161

Chairman of the Board of Directors: Dr. Thomas Wolfram

Managing Directors: Dr. Thomas Wolfram (head), Achim Ropers-Lazarewski

Responsible for the website:

Dr. Thomas Wolfram (Chief Managing Director/CEO)


Telephone +49 8075 91311-0
Fax +49 8075 91311-116

Supervisory authorities

Supervisory authorities of our Medical Park facilities

In the following we provide you with information on the supervisory authorities in charge of the individual facilities as well as the corresponding contractual partners and services pursuant to SGB V (German Social Code, V book). All clinics of the Medical Park group of companies are private hospitals pursuant to Article 30 of the Gewerbeordnung (German Industrial Code). The services are eligible for aid in pursuant to Article 6 No. 6 and Article 7 of the Beihilfeverordnung (German State Aid Ordinance, BBhV).



Medical Park specialised hospital

  • Am Kirschbaumhügel | Fachklinik | Bad Wiessee
  • Am Kirschbaumhügel | Privatklinik | Bad Wiessee
  • Bad Camberg
  • Bad Rodach
  • Chiemsee | Bernau-Felden
  • Chiemseeblick | Bernau-Felden
  • Humboldtmühle | Berlin
  • Klinik im Park | Bad Sassendorf
  • Loipl | Bischofswiesen
  • Prien Kronprinz | Prien
  • St. Hubertus | Bad Wiessee
  • Blumenhof | Bad Feilnbach
  • Reithofpark | Bad Feilnbach

Outpatient centres

  • Borussia Mönchengladbach | Mönchengladbach
  • St. Theresien | Nürnberg

Supervisory authorities by facility

Medical Park Bad Wiessee Am Kirschbaumhügel Fachklinik

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Miesbach, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rosenheimer Straße 3, 83714 Miesbach

Marcus Müller
Head of the management of the Medical Park-Kliniken in the Tegernseer Tal

Prof. Dr. Andrea Meurer
Head of the management of the Medical Park-Kliniken in the Tegernseer Tal

Medical Park Bad Wiessee Am Kirschbaumhügel Privatklinik

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Miesbach, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rosenheimer Straße 3, 83714 Miesbach


Marcus Müller
Head of the management of the Medical Park-Kliniken in the Tegernseer Tal

Prof. Dr. Andrea Meurer
Head of the management of the Medical Park-Kliniken in the Tegernseer Tal

Medical Park Bad Camberg

Supervisory authority in charge:
Regierungspräsidium Gießen, Landgraf-Philipp-Platz 3, 35390 Gießen

Steffen Danneberg
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Camberg

Maximilian Riehl
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Camberg

Head physician of the clinic:
Panagiotis Kostopoulos, specialised physician for neurology, neurological intensive-care mechanism

Medical Park Bad Rodach

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Coburg, Lauterer Straße 80, 96450 Coburg

Christian Grunow
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Rodach

Head physicians of the clinic:
Dr. med. Dirk Zauper, head physician neurology, specialised physician for neurology

Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Mees, head physician orthopaedics and casualty department

Medical Park Chiemsee

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Rosenheim, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rathausstraße 30, 83022 Rosenheim

Stefanie Ludwig
Managing Director Medical Park Chiemsee

Birk Heinrich
Managing Director Medical Park Chiemsee


Head physicians of the clinic:
Professor Dr. med. Marcus Schmitt-Sody, medical director and head physician, specialised physician for orthopaedics, professional title awarded in Germany

Medical Park Chiemseeblick

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Rosenheim, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rathausstraße 30, 83022 Rosenheim

Birk Heinrich
Manging Director Medical Park Chiemseeblick

Stefanie Ludwig
Manging Director Medical Park Chiemseeblick

Head physicians of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Menke, specialised phyician for psychiatry and psychotherapy

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Palm, specialised phyician for psychiatry and psychotherapy

Andreas Bock, specialised phyician for neurology, psychiatry and psychotherapy

Medical Park Berlin Humboldtmühle

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landesamtes für Gesundheit und Soziales Berlin (LAGeSo), Dienstgebäude, Turmstraße 21, 10559 Berlin

Maximilian Riehl
Managing Director Medical Park Humboldtmühle Berlin

Steffen Danneberg
Managing Director Medical Park Humboldtmühle Berlin

Head physicians of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. med. Karsten E. Dreinhöfer, medical director and head physician orthopaedics - specialised physician orthopaedics and casualty department, community medicine, physical therapy, chirotherapy, rescue medicine, osteologist (DVO) and health economist (ebs)

Dr. med. Dr. phil. Martin Ebinger, head physician neurology

Klinik im Park Bad Sassendorf

Supervisory authority in charge:
Kreis Soest, Abteilung Gesundheit, Hoher Weg 1-3, 59494 Soest

Maximilian Riehl
Managing Director Klinik im Park Sassendorf

Steffen Danneberg
Managing Director Klinik im Park Sassendorf

Head physician of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. Diethard M. Usinger
head physician orthopaedics

Medical Park Loipl

Supervisory authority in charge:
Regierung von Oberbayern, Maximilianstraße 39, 80538 Munich
as well as
Landratsamt Berchtesgadener Land, Gesundheitsamt
Salzburgerstraße 4, 83435 Bad Reichenhall

Laura Limberger
Managing Director Medical Park Loipl

Julian Schwaller
Managing Director Medical Park Loipl

Head physician of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Rieckmann, specialised physician for neurology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, physician for community medicine

Medical Park Prien Kronprinz

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Rosenheim, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rathausstraße 30, 83022 Rosenheim


Stefanie Ludwig
Managing Director Medical Park Prien Kronprinz

Birk Heinrich
Managing Director Medical Park Kronprinz

Head physician of the clinic:
Professor Dr. med. Marcus Schmitt-Sody, medical director, specialised physician for orthopaedics, professional title awarded in Germany

Medical Park Bad Wiessee St. Hubertus

Supervisory authority in charge:

Landratsamt Miesbach, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Rosenheimer Straße 3, 83714 Miesbach

Marcus Müller
Managing Director Medical Park-Kliniken im Tegernseer Tal

Prof. Dr. Andrea Meurer
Managing Director Medical Park-Kliniken im Tegernseer Tal

Head physician of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. Andrea Meurer, specialised physician for orthopedics, sports medicine and trauma surgery

Dr. Nadine Dreyer, specialised physician for orthopedics and trauma surgery

Prof. Dr. Christian Firschke, specialised physician for internal medicine and cardiology

Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Blumenhof

Supervisory authority in charge:

Landratsamt Rosenheim, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Wittelsbacherstraße 53, 83022 Rosenheim

Julian Schwaller
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Reithofpark und Blumenhof

Laura Limberger
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Reithofpark und Blumenhof

Medical Director of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Young, medical director, specialised physician for neurology, intensive-care madicine and sleep medicine

Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Reithofpark

Supervisory authority in charge:
Landratsamt Rosenheim, Staatl. Gesundheitsamt, Wittelsbacherstraße 53, 83022 Rosenheim

Julian Schwaller
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Reithofpark und Blumenhof

Laura Limberger
Managing Director Medical Park Bad Feilnbach Reithofpark und Blumenhof

Head physician of the clinic:
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Young, medical director, specialised physician for neurology, intensive-care madicine and sleep medicine

Medical Park Borussia Mönchengladbach

Supervisory authority in charge:
Stadtverwaltung Mönchengladbach, Gesundheitsamt, Am Steinberg 55, 41050 Mönchengladbach

Ulrich Bayerschmidt
Managing Director Medical Park Borussia Mönchengladbach

Klaus Schmitz
Managing Director Medical Park Borussia Mönchengladbach

Medical Park St. Theresien Ambulantes Gesundheitszentrum (outpatient health centre)

Approval declared pursuant to Article 124 SGB Section 1 SGB V

Christian Grunow
Managing Director Medical Park St. Theresien Nuremberg

Klaus Schmitz
Managing Director Medical Park St. Theresien Nuremberg


Responsible for the content pursuant to Article 55 Section 2 RStV (German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement):

Heiko Leske
(Head of Marketing and Communication)
Freiberger-Platz 1
83123 Amerang


Programming and realisation:

rekordmarke | mellowmessage GmbH
Härtelstraße 27
04107 Leipzig
Tel. +49 341 140655-0 |


References for the pictures and graphics used:

Despite intensive research, we have unfortunately not always been able to find the owners of image and photographic rights of the images used. Any right holders not mentioned are kindly requested to contact



Liability for contents

As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages pursuant to Article 7 section 1 TMG (German Telemedia Act) and general laws. However, pursuant to Articles 8 to 10 TMG we are as a service provider not obliged to monitor transferred or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information according to the general laws remain unaffected. However, liability in this respect is only possible from the time of knowledge of a actual infringement. If we become aware of any corresponding infringements of the law, we will remove these contents immediately

The medical information on the Medical Park Group's online pages is not intended to replace consultation and/or treatment by recognised physicians. Any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded, unless caused by intent or gross negligence.

Liability for links

Our offer contains links to external websites of third parties, on the contents of which we have no influence. We can therefore not assume any liability for these external contents. The respective provider or operator of the sites is always responsible for the content of the linked sites. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time of linking. At the time of linking no illegal content was identified. However, a permanent control of the contents of the linked pages is not reasonable without actual evidence of a violation of the law. As soon as we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such links immediately.


The contents and works on these pages created by the site operators are subject to German copyright law. The copying, processing, distribution and any kind of utilisation outside the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of these pages are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as the content on this site was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respected. In particular, third-party content is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, please inform us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such contents immediately.

Settlement of disputes

Alternative settlement of disputes in consumer matters

On behalf of all Medical Park facilities and companies, we would like to point out pursuant to Article 36 section 1 VSBG (German Consumer Dispute Settlement Act) that we are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Gender mainstreaming declaration

If the masculine form of personal nouns was chosen to make the texts easier to read, women and men are equally addressed.